JAMA Ophthalmology (IF=6.198)
Shifei Wei, Shi-Ming Li, Wenzai An, Jialing Du, Xintong Liang, Yunyun Sun, Duoxing Zhang, Jiaxin Tian, Ningli Wang
Ningli Wang, Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Eye Center, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University; Beijing Ophthalmology & Visual Science Key Lab. No. 1 Dong Jiao Min Xiang Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing,People’s Republic of China; wningli@vip.163.com
Background 背景
然而,1%阿托品引起的眼部副作用,如近视力模糊、畏光、过敏等,限制了其应用。此外,停止使用后,接受0.5%和0.1%阿托品治疗的近视儿童近视反弹程度更大(ATOM 2研究),而接受低剂量0.01%浓度阿托品的近视儿童在停止使用后效果持续,而且变化最小。因此,低浓度0.01%阿托品在亚洲越来越多地应用于儿童近视的临床研究。
既往除了新加坡ATOM2研究和中国香港LAMP研究外,大多数研究都是通过非随机对照试验来评估低浓度0.01%阿托品滴眼液的有效性和安全性,很少有数据来自随机对照试验。然而,缺乏安慰剂对照组是ATOM 2研究公认的弱点。来自中国香港的LAMP研究首次提供了低浓度阿托品滴眼液在近视控制效果中的安慰剂对照数据。因此,低浓度阿托品(0.01%)的效果尚未通过安慰剂对照试验被广泛评估。因此,我们旨在通过随机、双盲、安慰剂对照试验评估低浓度0.01%阿托品在中国大陆近视儿童中的有效性和安全性。
Methods 方法
This is a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of low concentrations of atropine, 0.01%, in children with low and moderate myopia from April 2018 to July 2020. Two phases were included in this study.
All children were recruited and randomized to receive either atropine, 0.01%, or placebo eyedrops in both eyes once daily at an allocation ratio of 1:1 for 1 year in phase 1. At the beginning of the second year, the atropine, 0.01%, group will be crossed over to the placebo group, and the placebo group will be crossed over to the atropine, 0.01%, group for 1 year in phase 2.
All children who participated in this study underwent the same, standardized examination procedure at the baseline, 6-month, and 12-month visits. Cycloplegic refraction was measured by an autorefractor (HRK7000 A; Huvitz). Axial length (AL) and intraocular pressure was measured. Additionally, a detailed interviewer-administered questionnaire answered by parents was used to collect the information of their children on the age at myopia onset, number of parents with myopia, and time near work and outdoors activities (hours per day) after school hours.
Results 结果
在1年的随访中,0.01%阿托品组和安慰剂组的近视进展分别为−0.49(0.42)D和−0.76(0.50)D(平均差,0.26 D;95%CI,0.12-0.41D;P<.001),0.01%阿托品组近视进展相对减少34.2%。
Conclusion 结论
Our study discovered that atropine, 0.01%, can slow the progression of myopia and axial length in children with low and moderate myopia, compared with placebo treatment. A once-nightly dose of atropine, 0.01%, eyedrops was well tolerated without serious adverse events. While the clinical relevance of the results cannot be determined from this trial, these 1-year results, limited by approximately 70% follow-up, suggest that atropine, 0.01%, eyedrops can slow myopia progression and axial elongation in children and warrant future studies to determine longer-term results and potential effects on slowing sight-threatening pathologic changes later in life.我们的研究发现,与安慰剂相比,0.01%阿托品滴眼液可以减缓低中度近视儿童的近视进展和眼轴延长。每天一次的0.01%阿托品滴眼液耐受性良好,无严重不良事件发生。虽然本试验无法确定结果的临床相关性,但这些1年的结果表明0.01%的阿托品滴眼剂可以减缓儿童近视的发展和眼轴延长。因此需要进一步的研究明确长期的效果和对减缓危及视力的病理性变化的潜在作用。
编辑:李茹月 甘嘉禾